Celebrating My 50th Birthday: Lessons from Half a Century

If that title doesn’t make me feel old…haha

Today, I turn 50, and I couldn't be more grateful for the journey that has brought me here. Reflecting on half a century of life, I wanted to share some of the invaluable lessons I've learned along the way:

1. Health is Wealth:

Taking care of my body and mind is the foundation for my life. I have learned how to nourish my body, stay active, and prioritise mental well-being. This means I am better prepared for a long healthspan, and ensuring I maintain optimum health for my whole life.

I have also learned a valuable lesson in trusting my gut. No one knows (or cares for) our body like ourselves, so if I feel like something isn’t quite right and I am not getting the help I need, I seek a 2nd or 3rd opinion. Sadly I have lost too many loved ones through missed or mistaken diagnoses.

2. Cherish Relationships:

Friends and family are priceless. I treasure my family and friends and have chosen to surround myself with positive, supportive people. Life is too short to allow toxic people to influence your life and how you feel in a negative way so if this happens its ok to step away and let them go. The peace is worth it!

3. Embrace Change:

Life is a series of transitions. There have been many big changes in my life, such as 3 interstate moves, and too many work roles to count, including a huge transition from working in higher education for nearly 20 years to now being a Clinical Nutritionist. I wholeheartedly recommend embracing change with an open heart and a flexible mindset!

4. Never Stop Learning:

Stay curious and keep learning. Whether it’s a new skill, a hobby, or deepening your knowledge, growth keeps life exciting. I know I will always be learning something new as long as I live. Celebrate your achievements along the way, and accept any mistakes as learning opportunities.

5. Do What You Love:

Something I wish I knew sooner, but if you can find something you love to do and get paid for it, you’ll always be happy to go to work. This is something I have told my children since they were young, find your passion and pursue that! And if you don’t know what that is yet, try lots of things until you do find it! You pick up valuable skills along the way too.

6. Live in the Moment:

The present is where life happens. Savour it, be mindful, and appreciate the little things. This is something I am still trying to master 😉 but I have learned its importance and try hard to be more present.

7. Be Grateful

For a long time I was trying to climb that endless ladder…get a better job, earn more money, buy a better car, wear expensive clothes etc. I have found that no matter what you have, there is always something else you want, the pursuit is endless and its tiring, not to mention the stress this puts on your nervous system. The older I get, the more I appreciate what I have. That doesn’t mean I still don’t want nice things ;) but it does take that pressure off feeling like I need them. I have so much to be grateful for, most of all my health and my family and friends. As I often say, ‘there are a lot of people that would like to have the problems I have’. I am grateful for all that I have and am also proud of the hard work it has taken to get here.

Every single experience (even the bad ones) have been a valuable teacher for me. Despite some hard times I can look back now and appreciate the lessons these experiences taught me. They have made me a better person, wife, mother and friend.

Today I especially think of all the people who never made it this far, including my sister Kim who passed away just before her 44th birthday. She really loved birthdays and I know would have dearly loved to reach 50 and beyond to spend more time with her children.

We only get one life so we need to live it now. I intend to use everything I have learned over the past 50 years to make the next 50+ years even better for myself and those around me. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey so far. I look forward to what lies ahead x



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