Personalised Nutritional Compounding

Nutritional Compounding: Personalised Nutritional Supplements

Unlocking the Power of Nutrient Compounds

Wondering about nutrient compounds? These versatile blends of powdered nutrient supplements come in a single, convenient tub, providing a cost-effective and efficient way to nourish your body with essential nutrients. What's more, they can be tailored for both effectiveness and taste, making them a delightful addition to your daily routine. No more struggling with capsules—these blends seamlessly blend into your meals or beverages.

Whilst completing a Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine), I discovered the art of compounding nutrients for my clients. Witnessing the tangible benefits it offered, I became a staunch advocate of personalised nutritional supplements. This approach simplifies our clients' lives by streamlining the number of nutrient supplements required, ensuring that each one is truly beneficial.

My expertise enables me to craft blends that encompass amino acids, vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, probiotics, and more. For those who prefer an alternative option, we also offer these compounds in the form of transdermal creams, a perfect choice for children or those who lean towards simpler dietary preferences.

Is Nutritional Compounding a New Concept?

The roots of nutritional compounding can be traced back to traditional medical practices, where practitioners personally crafted medicines for their patients. This tradition evolved into botanical apothecaries, which eventually paved the way for modern-day pharmacies. However, in the last century, industrialisation led to a shift from custom-compounded medicines to mass-produced generic drugs and supplements. Despite this change, the inherent need for personalised treatments remains pivotal in the field of nutritional and functional medicine.

The amalgamation of modern scientific advancements with the time-honored practice of personalisation holds remarkable potential for nutritional supplements. This blend of cutting-edge knowledge and individualised care allows us to provide some of the most powerful and effective nutritional solutions. At the Hive Health Hub, we wholeheartedly embrace this personalised approach to nutritional supplements, guiding you towards your peak level of health and well-being.

Which Ingredients Can Be Compounded?

We can compound various ingredients, including:

  • Probiotics, prebiotics, and modbiotics

  • Enzymes

  • Minerals

  • Vitamins

  • Protein and amino acids

  • Fibre

  • Botanical and functional food ingredients

Are Compounds Suitable for Everyone?

Absolutely! When clinically indicated, these compounds are effective solutions for clients of all ages. Children, in particular, benefit from these blends, as they often struggle with swallowing capsules and prefer simpler, tastier solutions.

Benefits of Nutritional Compounds:

Value for Money: You receive the exact amount you need, minimising waste.

Tailored Supplementation: Your supplements are customised to meet your specific needs.

Cost-Effective: No generic blends with unnecessary ingredients, just what your body requires.

Convenience: Take your nutrients in a single dose.

Adaptability: Modify your compound as needed.

Enhanced Clinical Outcomes: By using potent forms and doses, we strive for better clinical results.

Your health is our top priority, and nutrient compounds are just one of the many ways we can support your well-being. Reach out to explore the possibilities of personalised nutrition and enhanced health. 

To experience this unique approach to nutritional supplementation, contact Lisa for a complimentary 15-minute introductory call.


**Please note that to receive a compounded supplement tailored specifically to your needs, you must have had an initial consultation with Lisa to ensure the prescription aligns with your unique health situation.