Ready to achieve your body composition goals?

Is this you?

  • Are you tired of swinging from one diet to another without results that stick?

  • Are you feeling confused or overwhelmed with the deluge of ‘nutrition advice’ available on Google and social media?

  • Are all the things you used to do to lose weight no longer working?

  • Are you looking for a simple pathway back to a peaceful relationship with food and your body?

  • Are you interested in making changes to support your health and wellbeing that are genuine and sustainable?

Working with me on a consultation basis starts with your Initial Consultation, where we will discuss your goals, medical history and current nutrition, training and lifestyle. From here we can identify the major changes required and implement these prior to your Follow Up Consultation (45 or 30 minutes). For clients wanting to work on body composition and metabolic health I recommend at least 2-3 follow up consults, but many of our clients continue to work with us monthly to evolve their nutrition goals and health journey.